
Who We Are

Catholic Life


Pastoral Care




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Our History

Historical Timeline


A committee of parishioners from Ingleburn and Macquarie Fields held a series of meetings aimed at establishing a Catholic secondary school, which would be accessible to students living in the northern part of the Macarthur region. The committee then invited a representative from the Catholic Education Office and Brother Clarence Cunningham to meet with them to explore the possibilities of implementing this process.


The first group of students to actually begin at Mount Carmel were Years 7 and 8 in total of 292 students.

Brother Clarence Cunningham was appointed as the first principal of Mount Carmel High School.


Brother Clarence ends his time as principal of Mount Carmel.


Brother Neville Solomon became the school's second principal.

Initial construction of the Champagnat Centre begins.


Brother Neville finishes his time as Principal at Mount Carmel.


Brother Roger Burke became Principal of Mount Carmel High School in 1997.

The Champagnat Centre was blessed and officially opened by Bishop Phillip Wilson.


Construction work begins on new extensions to Mount Carmel.


Construction is complete and classrooms are ready for use.


A time capsule organised by Mr. Anthony Fisher was buried outside the School Office on Mount Carmel Day, 21 July 2000 due to reopened on Mount Carmel Day, 2050.

Unveiling and blessing of the Jubilee Mural, mounted on the wall above the Rose Garden.


Brother Roger ends his time as Principal of Mount Carmel.

Work begins on a large building program to build a new set-up for PDHPE, Music, Drama and Dance in the form of an extension to the Champagnat Centre, a new School Library to be formed by combining the present library with the current administration block, a new Administration Centre near the top turning circle, a new facility for Special Education to be formed by converting the current Music area.


Mr John Barrington welcomed to the school as the first lay principal.

The school captains Paul Villena and Marita Cuomo organised an “International
Teachers Day” luncheon to show the appreciation of the students for the “unfailing
time, effort and support” provided by the teachers every day.


Sharon Attard (teacher) takes leave and begins teaching at the Marist Mission at Vanga Point in the Solomon Islands .


Mrs Dailey takes four students to work with Br Roger and Ms Attard in the Solomon Islands as part of the first immersion experience offered by the school.

Mrs Karen Wright takes over as Deputy Principal from Mr Joe Dominish and Mr Mark Donnelly.


The Atrium is the name given to the library courtyard. It was designed by Mrs Theresa Moore and opened in November by Fr Tadgh Tierney. The Atrium is “dedicated to the memory of all students, staff, ex-students and ex-staff of Mount Carmel High School who have been born to eternal life.”

Final school fete.


School 20th anniversary. Open day held on a Saturday afternoon to provide an opportunity to visit the buildings and view samples of student work. An Anniversary Dinner was also held at the Catholic Club and on Wednesday 7th June, Bishop Peter Ingham celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving with many priests of the area.


A new school uniform introduced … organised by Mrs Karen Wright and the P & F Committee.

Introduction of the new Senior Pastoral Group system where students from Year 11 and 12 were mixed into small groups School Musical “How to Eat Like a Child” directed by Canadian exchange teacher Mr Bill Jacobsen.


1:1 student laptop program began. All Year 7 students received their own laptop computer.

First full year of vertical system in the junior school where Year 7 to 10 students are mixed in home classes.

“Dancing with the Staff” spectacular.

World Youth Day in Australia. Mount Carmel hosted 135 pilgrims from the Cook


Full air conditioning provided to 30 classrooms.


25th Anniversary of Mount Carmel High School

Mrs Karen Wright Acting Principal for the year and Mr John Kelly became relieving Deputy while Mr Barrington relieved Mr Alan McManus as Principal at Magdalene Catholic High School.


Brother Clarence Cunningham (founding Principal of Mount Carmel) passed away on 18th August.

Mr Wayne Marshall takes over as principal from Mr Barrington.

Mrs Karen Wright's depart's and Mr Matthew McMahon takes over as Assistant


Ex-student Geoffrey Hunt represents Australia at the London Olympics for the Marathon.

The school musical "Little Shop of Horrors" is held, directed by Miss Emily Davis.


Mount Carmel Catholic High School changes its name to Mount Carmel Catholic College.

The La Valla Trade Training Centre opens


Mr Damian Sligar is appointed Acting Assistant Principal


Mr Stephen Lo Cascio is appointed as College Principal taking over from Mr Wayne Marshall.

Mr David Cloran is appointed as Assistant Principal.

The College wins the Polyfest competition.


Pastoral Classes in the junior school revert to horizontal homerooms but remain in house groupings.
Mr Huntly is appointed the College first Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Coordinator.

The Library space is redefined as a student support hub with the Diverse Learning Needs faculty and Information Technology Support relocated to the Intensive Learning Centre. The Transition and Pathways Office is also reconnected to the library space.

New College Master Plan is developed.


Grace Roodnerys is named first in the state in Advanced English in the Higher School Certificate.


The COVID pandemic takes its toll with student attendance directly restricted over Term 2 and impacted for the remainder of the year.


The COVID pandemic continues with all schools closed for term 3 and half of term 4.


Major redevelopment begins with commencement of a 2 story STEM facility and refurbishment of blocks A, B, D, E and J. Demolition of blocks C, G & H to occur at the conclusion of stage 1. 

Mount Carmel named as Champion MISA School for 2022.