Congratulations to our HSC Class of 2023, who achieved excellent results:
- Emma Searle – DUX of the College, with an ATAR of 99.05.
- 60 Band 6/E4s across the HSC.
- 3 All-Rounders – Band 6/E4 in every course.
- Distinguished Achievers – Band 6 results achieved by 31 different students across 16 courses.
- 2 Nominations for Art Express.
- 35% of students were placed in the top 2 Bands across all subjects.
- 77% of students were placed in the top 3 bands across all subjects.
- 96% of courses achieved at least 1 Band 5 or 6 results.

Band 6 recipients in one or more subjects:
- Abigail Amurao
- Mackenzie Gabrio
- Jenny Nguyen
- Wilson Asuit
- Aaliyah Gallagher
- Zachary Peters
- Jorja Atkins
- Maddison Gascoine
- Xavier Ring
- Josephine Borg
- Sam Glinatsis
- Alisha Ross
- Alexis Brunt
- Jack Greenwood
- Jaya Sabellano
- Merryn Clarke
- Monique Jakovljevic
- Emma Searle
- Mescha Di Franco
- Aryan Krishnan
- Bailey Smith
- Jasmyne Douangdara
- Naina Kumar
- Justyce Smith
- Maricel Fennessey
- Xavier Lafleur-Isaacs
- Rianne Sundaram
- Amelia Filipinski
- Michael Liuzzo
- Krupa Thalody
- Jose Mercado Ruiz