Congratulations to our HSC Class of 2024, who achieved excellent results:
- 44 band 6 results were achieved by our students which means they were awarded a mark of 90% or greater within their subject.
- Band 6 results were achieved by 24 different students.
- Our students received band 6 results in 19 different subjects.
- 32% of students were in the top two bands within their subjects.
- 75% of students were placed in the top three bands within their subjects.
- 96% of subjects taught at Mount Carmel received at least one band 5 or 6 result.
- Liam Tannoury was included in the Young Writers Showcase.
- 100% of students studying Extension 1 and 2 English attained the highest band (E4).
- 25% of students studying Advanced Mathematics attained a band 6.
- Liam Tannoury was our highest ATAR with a result of 97.6 with 10 students receiving an ATAR over 90.

Distinguished Achievers
- Mia Bakulic
- Ben Blackmore
- Keanna Bocarro
- Krystal Borello
- Ethan Brayshaw
- Tiffany Buckley
- Sabina Celiz
- Brielle Clarke
- Edward Dsouza
- Alexander Dutfield
- Natasha Ferrer
- Hiraya Getigan
- Skylah Gilbang
- Magdalena Kawa
- Nimisha Mainali
- Brandon Murhan
- Noah Nasreddine
- Sarah Radman
- Jacob Ramos
- Alyssa Rattanathip
- Matias Rennert
- Gloria Rivadeneira Pino
- Anna Segovia
- Liam Tannoury