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The study of Technologies covers a broad range of areas that provides students with a diverse range of practical experiences to assist them to develop knowledge and understanding of contemporary and advancing technologies that exist in the wider world.

Technology encompasses a diverse collection of knowledge, skills and processes that people use to satisfy their needs and to extend human capabilities. Students are provided with the opportunity to become technologically literate individuals with the capacity to critically appreciate the contribution of technologies to society and who are capable of developing creative and innovative solutions to address real world problems.

Students will develop practical skills to develop solutions to identified problems and situations, and explore the impact of technologies on the individual, society and the environment. They will engage in critical thinking, design thinking and systems thinking as they follow the design and production process, whilst learning the value of planning and reviewing processes as they produce designed solutions.

Stage 4 Technologies is a mandatory course that all year 7 and 8 students study which provides them with the core concepts and skills required for further study in Technologies, as well as to develop productive, purposeful and intentional thinking skills for everyday life.

Students study four context focus areas over the four semeters of the Course. These context focus areas involve the study of content and project work that relate to the specific focus technology - Food and Agriculture Technologies, Materials (Textiles) Technologies, Engineered Systems and mandatory Digital Technologies contexts.

The content encourages students to investigate and understand the specific context focus technology itself - its particular terminology, concepts and ideas as it relates to their project work and everyday life. Students are also encouraged to consider the job prospects from these technologies and the impacts such technologies have on society.

The project work allows students to investigate, experiment, prototype, develop and test innovative solutions to authentic problems in projects that are specific to the context focus area. It encourages students to use critical and creative thinking strategies to develop their solutions and to reflect on their solution by evaluating the project against thoughtfully established criteria.

Stage 5 Technologies allows students to select a specific elective Technologies course. Study may be completed as either a 100 hour course (either Year 9 or 10) or 200 hour course (Years 9 and 10) in the course selected.

The Technologies Mandatory course in Years 7-8 prepares students to focus their study on a specific area of technology. Each course has its own particular content, terminology and practical skills, however, all courses are trained in safe working practices, and use the design and production process as a basis for their practical project development.

  • Food Technology - provides students with a broad knowledge of food properties, processing, preparation, nutritional considerations and consumption patterns to develop food-specific skills through a range of practical experiences.
  • Industrial Technology (Timber) - knowledge and skills are developed through a specialised approach to the tools, materials, equipment and techniques employed in the planning, development, construction and evaluation of quality practical timber projects and processes.
  • Information and Software Technologies - students identify a need or problem to be solved, explore a range of possible solutions and produce a full working solution in group and individual project-based work, using a variety of digital technologies to create, modify and produce products in a range of media formats.
  • Design and Technology - students learn to identify, analyse and respond to needs through research and experimentation, employing safe work practices to manage and safely use a range of materials, tools and technologies to aid in the development of quality design projects.
  • Graphics Technology - students learn to design, prepare and develop graphical presentations using both instrument drawing and computer-aided design (CAD). Students actively plan, develop and produce quality graphics projects, including drawings, images and models.

Stage 6 Technologies allows students to engage in a diverse range of practical experiences and develop knowledge and understanding of contemporary and advancing technologies. They develop solutions to identified problems and situations, and explore the impact of technologies on the individual, society and the environment. Courses offered currently include:

Board Developed courses

  • Design and Technology - involves hands-on practical activities which develop knowledge and skills in designing and producing quality design projects. Students undertake the development and realisation of Design Projects, along with the study of innovation and emerging technologies.
  • Food Technology - students learn about nutrition, safe preparation, presentation and storage of food, sensory characteristics, food availability and selection. Practical skills in planning, preparing and presenting food are integrated throughout the content areas.
  • Industrial Technology (Timber) - knowledge and understanding of the Timber industry and its related technologies, highlighting the importance of design, management and production through practical experiences that develop a broad range of timber skills.
  • Information Processes and Technology - Different types of information-based systems are studied - the information processes performed by these systems, information technology that allows them to take place, non-computer procedures  and the societal issues resulting from the processes are considered. Through project work, students will create their own information system.
  • Textiles and Design - design, communication techniques, manufacturing methods, fibres, yarns, fabrics and the Australian Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Allied Industries are studied. Textile projects and practical experiences, experimenting and product manufacturing are integrated throughout the content areas.

Content endorsed course

  • Computing Applications (Preliminary) - A skills-based course aimed at developing the student's abilities to use hardware and software to complete a range of practical experiences in a broad range of topic areas to develop knowledge and understanding of the role of computing in completing tasks that enable students to be confident users of the technology.

There are many post school opportunities that stem from a study of Technologies. The emphasis of practical skills in all Technologies courses means that students are prepared for further study in a recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) credential at TAFE, or further study in related courses at the University level.

Future Occupations -

Careers Advisory services -

Career Advice: Australian Government (DSE) -

Australian Job Search -


Training Services NSW -

Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) -

Technologies Glossary

Whilst the following glossary is aimed at the Technologies(Mandatory) course, it does provide definitions that apply to all Technologies courses.

Other definitions of use in Technologies subjects -


Include any links to resources that parents or students may find useful.

NESA site - Technologies (Stage 4 and 5) - syllabus and other course materials for Years 7-10 courses:

NESA site - Technologies (Stage 6) -  syllabus and other course materials for Years 11-12 courses:

Grok Learning website (Years 7-10) - This website is used in Year 8 Technologies (Digital Technologies context area) and in Year 9 Information and Software Technologies course as a programming tutorial for students to learn to code.

Canva - free graphic design software useful in all courses. Use a student email address to create an account.

OnGuard - safety tutorial and testing software for students.

Google -

Google Drive

Classrooms -
