For referral purposes here is a list of support services to recommend students and families
Provides affordable family, individual and couple counselling. Based at Cordeaux Street Campbelltown their service provides support for individuals and families. Programs for parents, children and youth are also run regularly. Intake is 9-5pm Mon-Fri. CatholicCare also provides a School Counselling service at Catholic Schools in the diocese. Contact CatholicCare or your local school to enquire.
Provides marriage, family, personal counselling and youth programs.
1 Redall Street Campbelltown
Child, Adolescent and Family Counselling service that is family focused.
Level 2, 121 Queen Street Campbelltown
ICAMHS provides mental health assessments and if required provide individual counselling and family therapy as follow up. Also provide services for Antenatal and Postnatal depression for young parents. Services are available to those 0 to 17years, currently enrolled in school. ICAMHS is open Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm.
Cordeaux Street opposite Mawson Park, Campbelltown.
Macarthur Central Intake is the central referral point for all adult (over 18 years) NSW health services including drug and alcohol counselling and mental health services. They offer intake and assessments. Macarthur Central Intake is next to Centrelink and is open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.00pm, after hours services are also available.
6 Brown Street, Campbelltown
A specialist mental heath services for young people aged 12-25 years, offering a wide variety of clinical services such as physical, psychological, psychiatric, career, education and group services. The services on offer are evidence based and provided by Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Occupational Therapists, Nurses, GPs and educational specialists. All services are ‘bulk-billed’ through Medicare, requiring a doctors referral.
Level 8, 171-179 Queen St Campbelltown.
Your GP or Doctor can provide you with a ‘mental health plan’ in order to refer to most counselling services or specialist services such as headspace. It is recommended that the K10 test be used to assist in guiding the doctor in your psychological needs over the past 30 days. Need a K10? Just ask a co-ordinator at the school or the front office. Ask for a list of specialist for your area and check to see what kind of rebate per counsellor you can receive, what the waiting lists are like and if they bulk bill.
Ask your local community or welfare centre, which you can find in the yellow pages, about their support services on offer. Traxside is a Youth Centre at Campbelltown specific for youth mental health, counselling and groupwork. Your local library may also offer workshops and programs.
Narellan Library has a Youth Centre upstairs
Cnr of Queen and Elyard Streets.
Ph: 4645 5071
The Narellan youth space provides young people 12-24 with a place to socialize in a safe and supportive environment.
Not-for-profit organisation working to address issues associated with depression, anxiety and related substance misuse disorders in Australia.
Provides an interactive program to address anxiety and depression.
Ph: 1300 364 277
We are an innovative, not-for-profit, community-based organisation dedicated to enhancing wellbeing through better relationships.
Ph: 13 26 22
About Anglicares counselling services.
Ph: 1800 558 268
GROW is a national organisation that provides a peer supported program for growth and personal development to people with a mental illness and those experiencing difficulty in coping with life’s challenges.
Ph: 1800 18 SANE (7263)
Information, advice and referral on mental illness.
Ph: 131 114
Promote emotional wellbeing, encourage help seeking, and address suicide prevention and awareness.
Ph: 1800 551 800
Kids Helpline is Australia's only free, private and confidential, telephone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25.
Ph: 1300 1300 52
Anyone caring for a child aged 0-18 years and living in NSW can call. We receive calls from grandparents, carers, professionals, aunties and uncles, neighbours and more, anyone who might be looking after a child.
Ph: 1300 794 991 (Mental Health info. service)
Ph: 1300 794 992 (Anxiety Disorders info)
Provides information, support and education to people who are affected by the symptoms of mental illness.
Ph: (02) 9840 3333
A multicultural service that provides information in different languages to improve awareness of mental health and suicide prevention.
Provides online support groups sharing their knowledge, experience and support.
Help you by improving your understanding of the issues that relate to your mental health and wellbeing and providing information to better understand other people's experiences.
Ph: 1800 880 176
Interactive online info. about cyber safety, cyber bullying for kids, parents and teens. How to use the internet and phones smartly and safely.
Ph: 1800 242 636
Carer advisory and counselling service.
Ph: 132 622
Community care and counselling.
Ph: 1300 789 978
Online support info and referral service.
Ph: (02) 9382 299
Specialise in information and resources regarding mood disorders.
Provides solutions for young people aged 12 to 25 years.
Ph: 1800 888 320
Works to improve the mental health and wellbeing of young people.
Ph: 4645 5071
The Narellan youth space provides young people 12-24 with a place to socialize in a safe and supportive environment.
Ph: 1800 551 800
Kids Helpline is Australia's only free, private and confidential, telephone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25.
Ph: 1800 880 176
Interactive online info. about cyber safety, cyber bullying for kids, parents and teens. How to use the internet and phones smartly and safely.
Ph: 4627 9089
Provides solutions for young people aged 12 to 25 years.
Ph: 1300 224 636
Not For Profit organisation working to address issues associated with depression, anxiety and related substance misuse disorders in Australia.
Ph: 02 4351 2736
LifeCare runs two youth accommodation facilities for homeless youth.
Ph: 4621 8400
MDS provides creative services for people with a disability, mental illness, the aged, families and carers.
Provides an interactive program to address anxiety and depression.
Provides online support groups sharing their knowledge, experience and support.
Help you by improving your understanding of the issues that relate to your mental health and wellbeing and providing information to better understand other people's experiences.
Multicultural resources.
Create homework plans and learn about health topics.
Exercise your mind and learn about how to manage your mood.
Camps and fun days for kids living with someone suffering with an illness.
How to deal when you or someone you know has cancer.